Saturday, November 10, 2007

Seal Hunt

(Photo courtesy of HSUS)
In 2006, the Canadian government estimated that at least 354,344 harp and hooded seals were killed. According to the Humane Society of the United States, the last time seals were killed at this rate (in the 1950's and 1960's) the harp seal population was reduced by nearly two thirds. 98 percent of these killed seals were pups under three months old. All these seals are killed mainly for their fur. The fur is used for fashion items. There is a very small market for seal oil and seal penises. The seal penises are sold in Asian markets as an aphrodisiac. Since there is little to no market for the meat, the seal carcasses are usually left to rot. Because the sealers only want the fur, there are reports of extremely inhumane killing. In 2001, a study found that in 42 percent of the cases they studies, the seals had been skinned alive while conscious. Moreover, sealers drag conscious seals across the ice with boat hooks, beat them with wooden clubs, hakapiks and guns.

I honestly can't imagine how people do this, along with other forms of animals abuse. Have they never loved an animal or received the "look" from one? This is definitely not my idea of fun...

To help end the horror of the largest commercial slaughter of marine mammals in the world, many people are doing a list of things including boycotting Canadian seafood. Click here for a list of other things you can do to help.

Watch this video about seal hunts. Viewer discretion advised--graphic images.

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